May 16, 2024

ICMYI: Congresswoman Barbara Lee & Actress Christina Jackson Tour Mills College at Northeastern University

OAKLAND, CA – On Monday, May 16, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-12) hosted actress Christina Jackson, who played a young Barbara Lee in the Netflix original film 'Shirley', on a tour of her alma mater, Mills College in Oakland. 


Click HERE for additional photos of the Congresswoman’s campus visit.

During their visit, Congresswoman Lee reminisced over her college yearbook photos and other memorabilia from her time as president of the Black Student Union at Mills College. Rep. Lee and Jackson also toured the auditorium where the late Congresswoman Chisholm spoke during her historic 1972 campaign for president.

"There's no way I would have been able to fight the fights I have to fight for peace, justice for equity and equality, had it not been for Shirley Chisholm," said Congresswoman Lee. “Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm inspired me to get involved in politics at a time when I didn’t believe the system cared about people that looked like me. Because of Mrs. C, I am. And because of Mrs. C, so many other women of color in politics are. I got involved with this movie because Congresswoman Chisholm deserves to be honored for her contributions to not only politics, but American history. This movie is coming at an important time as we face a consequential election this fall. My hope is that this film inspires the next generation to get involved and get their seat at the table.”

 To watch KTVU’s coverage of the visit, click here.